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ACS Group Members

Dr. Joshua Fu

Chancellor's Professor, John D. Tickle Professor, James Gibson Professor jsfu@utk.edu

Dr. Fu's research includes climate change impacts on energy infrastructure, air pollution, water availability and extreme events.

Dr. Cheng-En yang

Research Assistant Professor cyang10@utk.edu

Dr. Yang's research focuses on atmosphere-land interactions, the global carbon cycle and the feedbacks of ecosystem to climate change, and wildfire impacts on air pollution.

Dr. Jia Xing

Research Associate Professor jxing3@utk.edu

Dr. Xing's research focuses on improving air pollution forecasting and estimates with machine learning.


Dr. Tao Wang

Postdoctoral Research Associate twang54@utk.edu

Dr. Wang's research on air quality at regional and city scale, development and application of regional air quality modeling system, and transport process analysis of air pollution.


Rong-You Chien

PhD Student rchien@vols.utk.edu

Rong-You is working on improving regional estimates of ozone with machine learning and measurement-model fusion.

Hannah Rubin

PhD Student hrubin@vols.utk.edu

Hannah's work focuses on mapping global environmental change. She works on a range of projects, from projecting future heat waves in the US at a regional scale to improving measurement-model fusion techniques to mapping soil organic carbon from satellite imagery.

Leyuan "Lexie" Zhang

PhD Student lzhan108@vols.utk.edu

Leyuan has a background in physical geography - specifically drought research. Her current focus is evaluating the impact and consequences of extreme climate events such as heat waves and droughts under future climate scenarios.

Zhixu Sun

PhD Student zsun23@vols.utk.edu

Zhixu has a background in Ozone and CMAQ modeling.

Alumni and Visiting Scholars